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Assign Overtime to Employee

Please follow the steps to assign Overtime to employees:

  • Navigate to the Employees section.
  • Edit an employee
  • Under the Attendance section, Select Overtime code
Overtime assign to employees
Type of Overtime Rules

You can follow overtime (OT) Types of actions on the Assignment page:

  1. OT (OverTime) = 40
  2. OT (California) = 40
  3. OT 40 = 8 Hours Limit
  4. OT 40 = 12 Hours Limit

Additionally, customized OT (OverTime) rules can be established according to your company’s policies.

OT 40:- The overtime pay calculation is simple: for a given week, track the amount of time your employee worked. Find out how many hours they worked over 40.

OT 40 (California):- This rule is for California state overtime rule.

OT 40 (8 Hours Limit):- This rule works the same as OT40; additionally, above 8 hours in a work day will also consider overtime.

Over 8 hours in a workday or 40 hours in a workweek

OT 40 (12 Hours Limit):- Over 12 hours in a workday or 40 hours in a workweek.

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