Time Clock Manual -Fingerprint Reader

Fingerprint Reader STC5000

Biometric Fingerprint Reader :- Dependable and authentic way of verifying individual identity for attendance management.

1. User Management

This submenu enables users to browse the information stored on the terminal, including the user ID, name, user role, fingerprint, badge number and password. The user can register employee’s fingerprints and assign user roles also.

Navigation :- Main Menu->Users

How to enroll Employees’ Fingerprints?

Navigation :- Go to Main Menu->User Management->All Users. Select Users and press OK > Press ▼ to select Fingerprint and press OK.

Step 1:- Select which finger’s print you want to add. navigate and select the finger

Step 2:- Place the same finger on the fingerprint sensor for three consecutive times correctly.

Step 3:- Enrollment succeeds. If the enrollment fails, the system will display a prompt message and return to the [Enroll Fingerprint] interface. In this case, you need to repeat the operations of step 2.

2. User Roles

A user-defined or a custom role used to assign operational access to some menu functions in addition to the functions available for a normal user.
Default User Roles
1. Super Admin = The super administrator has the operational rights to all menu
2. Normal User = A normal user is entitled only to authenticate his/her attendance using fingerprint,password, or card.

How to create Custom User Roles?
You can create custom user roles apart from system defined(Super Admin and Normal User). Follow the steps below to configure custom user roles:
Prerequisites = There must be at least one employee who has a super admin role.

Example = To create an “Enroller” role ?
Step 1 : – Press Menu button from the initial interface
Step 2 : – Select “ User Role “
Step 3 :- Select “ User Define role “
Step 4 : – Enable Defined Role
Step 5 : – Edit Role name as “ Enroller “
Step 6 : – Select “ Define user role “ and select “User Management” and “All Users”.

How to assign User Defined Roles to Employees?
A user-defined role can be assigned some other menu functions in addition to the
functions available for a common user. (When logging in as a super administrator, you have the rights to assign menu functions to a customized role).
Navigation :- Go to Main Menu->User Management->All Users. Select Users and press OK >Select New User and press OK >Press ▼ to select the User Role and press OK.

3. Data Management

Using this menu you can manage data, backup data, delete previous attendance data and export/restore data using a USB flash drive.

3.1 Delete Data
Using “Delete Data” under Data Management you can perform below functions

Delete Attendance Data: Delete all attendance records or by time range.
Delete All Data: Delete all data from the terminal including enrolled employees, their fingerprints and attendance records.
Delete Admin Roles: change all administrators to normal users.

3.2 Backup Data
Backup data to the device or USB flash drive.

3.3 Restore Data
Restore the data stored on the device or in the USB flash drive to the device.


4. System Information

You can check the device storage status and system information.
Navigation :- Select main menu -> Select System Info and press OK->Press ▼ to select the information you want to see and press OK.
4.1 Device Capacity
The number of enrolled users, administrators, passwords, the total fingerprint storage capacity and occupied capacity, ID cards and attendance capacity are displayed respectively.

4.2 Device info
The Device name, serial number, MAC Address, Fingerprint Algorithm, manufacturing details are displayed on the device interface.

4.3 Firmware info
The Firmware version, Bio Service, Push Service, Standalone Service and Dev Service are displayed on the firmware info interface.

5. Shortcut Key Mappings

Users can define six shortcut keys as attendance status shortcut keys in order to quickly access the attendance functions like Clock In – Clock out / Break In – Break Out etc.
Notes: When setting the attendance status shortcut keys, you can also set the “Auto Switch” parameter. When”Auto Switch” is enabled, the FFR terminal automatically switches the attendance status at the specified time. If a status key is selected, the device will not use any status key when the status key function is disabled

5.1 How to Configure Shortcut Keys ?
The shortcut keys can be configured using following steps :-
Navigation – Press Main menu “ M “ on initial Screen
Step 2 : – Select Personalize and navigate to short key Mapping using ▲/▼ keys
Step 3 : – Select Function key using ▼ key and press ok

Step 4 :- Define Punch state value and key functions
Note :- Keep the punch state value = 0, 1, 2, 4
Function = punch state option
Name = Based on your Preference

6. USB Manager

It enables users to Import and Export attendance data, Fingerprint template, Facial template and other user information using USb drive.User can upload/download data from/to a USB drive, using the USB interface of the device. By simply Inserting a USB disk into the USB slot of the fingerprint sensor.

6.1 How to Download Attendance Data Using USB Drive ?
Use the following steps to download attendance data through a USB drive.
Step 1 : – Insert USB disk into USB slot of Fingerprint sensor
Step 2 : – Press main menu “ M “ on the initial screen.
Step 3 : – Use ▼ key to select USB Manager and then press OK.
Step 4 :- Select download and use ▼ key to select item to be downloaded
Step 5 : – Select “ Attendance Data “ to Import all the attendance data from the FFR terminal to a USB disk

6.2 How to download Fingerprints and Facial templates using a USB drive ?
Use the following steps to download Fingerprints and Facial templates through a USB drive.
Step 1 : – Insert USB disk into USB slot of Fingerprint sensor
Step 2 : – Press main menu “ M “ on the initial screen.
Step 3 : – Use ▼ key to select USB Manager and then press OK.
Step 4 :- Select “Download” and use ▼ key to select item to be downloaded
Step 5 : – Select “ User Data “ to Import all the user information, fingerprints and facial images from the FFR terminal to a USB disk.

6.3 How to upload Fingerprints and Facial templates using a USB drive ?
Use the following steps to download Fingerprints and Facial templates through a USB drive.
Step 1 : – Insert USB disk into USB slot of Fingerprint sensor
Step 2 : – Press main menu “ M “ on the initial screen.
Step 3 : – Use ▼ key to select USB Manager and then press OK.
Step 4 :- Select “Upload “and use ▼ key to select item to be downloaded
Step 5 : – Select “ User Data “ to upload all the user information, fingerprints and facial images from the USB disk to FFR terminal.


7.Auto Test

The auto test enables the system to automatically test whether functions of various modules are normal, including the LCD, voice, sensor, keyboard and clock tests.
7.1 How to use “Autotest “
Use the following steps to run an auto test diagnostics in order to ensure the proper
functionality of the system
Step 1 : – Press main menu “ M “ on the initial screen.
Step 2 : – Use the ▼ key to select “ Diagnostics” and then press OK.
Step 3 :- Select “ Test All “ to run auto test diagnostics