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BambooHR Custom Company Links

This feature allows users to create a direct redirection from a BambooHR account to NextGen Time tracking solutions.

By simply updating a custom point to URL on the BambooHR admin dashboard, a user can create a direct redirection from the BambooHR mobile application or BambooHR dashboard to a NextGen Web clock, Time Tracking Account, or an employee’s self-timesheet.

How to create a redirection to employees’ Self Time Sheet

Step 1:- Login to BambooHR Admin Account

Step 2:- Click Manage Company Links

Step 3:- Add the following URL

How to access the self-time sheet using BambooHR Mobile Application

Step :-1 Click on Company Link on the BambooHR application dashboard

The time sheet will accessible after signing in with BambooHR login credentials, which are required only for the first time. The time sheet will be in read-only format, with no changes permitted.

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