Employee Time tracking and attendance management solutions play a vital role in resource planning, project budgeting, and optimizing productivity. The main objective of companies developing and implementing time Tracking solutions is to help people become more efficient at work not only does it increase productivity but it also helps to understand and optimize the way things work in an organization and resource planning.

These solutions often include methods that allow solving attendance management problems, increase participation from employees, and remove the risk of inaccurate time tracking. The right time tracking software can not only eliminate the extra time spent on administrative tasks but also helps the organizations to be more proactively react in addressing the challenges. 

With employee time tracking, you get a deeper, objective look into your organization to act upon the challenges and it consequently saves the extra time and efforts spent on administrative tasks which can be utilized in more productive work.

However, achieving these benefits can only be easier if the implementation of the Time tracking solution is properly planned. There are several challenges that can impede employee attendance management but fortunately, a proper analysis of operational requirements and selecting the right time tracking solution can address them successfully.  

Here are the five most common time tracking challenges with their solutions

Time theft and Buddy Punching:- 

The practice of Time theft and buddy punching helps employees sneak a few minutes here and there on time cards which can consequently add thousands of unearned dollars to companies’ payroll costs each year.

Time theft and Buddy punching is a common problem in companies with uses traditional time tracking methods like Paper timesheets proximity cards and badges. These kinds of outdated clock-in and clock-out methods are easy to manipulate and make it easy pie for employees to earn for the hours which they haven’t worked.

Here are some measures that can help your business to tackle time theft effectively:

Tracking Remote and Mobile Workforce:- 

Traditional work culture is significantly replaced by hybrid work culture after this pandemic making it difficult for organizations to track their employee’s hours which still rely on conventional time tracking methods. Tracking remote and mobile employees is a need of hours nowadays. One of the best practices in managing remote employees is identifying and providing the right time tracking tools.

Here are some ways to track and manage remote employees and get most of their time.

Time tracking Compliance:- 

Getting a  hybrid time tracking solution that meets the compliance, as well as operational requirements, is the biggest challenge The time tracking system must ensure that your company follows all government rules and regulations. In addition, it should comprise all the features required for an efficient and seamless attendance management.

There is no shortage of time tracking solutions ranging from mobile apps to portable biometric systems with payroll system integration. Though choosing the right one for your business can be challenging, it’s not just about matching your business needs with a solution it should also address the compliance requirements.

The time tracking systems are well equipped nowadays and include a variety of features and abilities, aimed at making it easier for your employees to accurately report work hours, and easier for you to monitor and manage attendance and efficiency with compliance. Any timekeeping solution is acceptable as long as it comprises the basic compliance features likes

Integration with Employee Management and Payroll Processing Tools:-

There is a small chunk of business that still follows the traditional time tracking practices and potentially harmful manual processes for time tracking and employee payroll. The manual time logging and payroll process through spreadsheets always involved a risk of human errors. 

The ideal time tracking solution should provide a comprehensive approach to employee management and payroll processing through seamless integrations, Finding such a solution is a challenge that meets both the operational requirements of time tracking and payroll processing. 

The most convenient solution for such challenges is implementing a cloud-based time tracking system that provides seamless integration with payroll providers. The time tracking systems automatically record logged-in hours of employees and provide an overview of billable hours. The automation of tracking systems and payroll processing through integrations eradicates any manual input dependency, thus eliminating the chance of misreporting working hours.

Attendance data from multiple sources:-

The challenge is to analyze attendance data across multiple sources. Different pieces of time tracking data are often collected in different systems leading to incomplete or inaccurate analysis. Manually combining data is time-consuming and has certain limitations.

With a comprehensive and centralized cloud-based time tracking system, employees and managers can have access to all types of information in one location. Not only does this free up time spent accessing multiple data sources, it allows cross-compare  and ensures data is complete and accurate for payroll processing.

Implement Time Tracking Solution with care!

Automated Time tracking solutions tools means to get a clear overview of all work and processes. And It’s also a proactive approach to using a smart attendance management tools to avoid the above time tracking challenges.

NextGen workforce solution includes all of the features we mentioned so far to help you avoid these five-time tracking challenges. Sign up now and experience how NextGen Time tracking solutions can transform your employee time tracking approach and ultimately your business by significantly decreasing payroll issues through seamless automated integration with employee management and payroll processing tools.

Read More: Biometric Time Clocks Systems for Automated Attendance Management